Dan and Debbie drove me across the bay to Niles, which Dan thought was called Niland like that submagic shitspace at the rump of the Salton Sea. We have both been there. But Niles is called Niles. It has an avenue of antiques and oh isn't that just adorable and a train. We parked and went into a record store, which Dan and Debbie exited after Dan found the toilet. I stayed and bought seven records and got one for free. The free one was Elvis' I Got Luck. When I found Dan and Debbie on the sidewalk, it started to rain. A middle-aged woman with black spiked hair walked by with a box of pizza. Debbie made a comment about the good smell of the pizza, and Dan suggested that we drive by the train again on our way to Mike Street's Christmas Party where there was food and champagne. We went there. It was still raining when Alice, the girlfriend of Mike Street, answered the door. She was drunk. So was Mike Street. Alice made some jokes about giving me Martinelli's instead of champagne and ran into the kitchen counter. Mike Street poured me a glass of champagne. He scolded me for eating the Ruffles and onion dip instead of the pile of clementines he had set on a plate in front of me. When I ate a grape he patted my head and said "good girl." Alice poured me another glass of champagne. Alice told me and Debbie how she met Mike Street at a bar and how she met Jen from Oakland at a weekend retreat near some hot springs where they talk about relationships and sex and clothing is optional. Jen listened soberly and looked like she would have not volunteered this information if it had been up to her. It got quiet, so I said, "Wow, I've never heard of a retreat like that. That's really cool." Then Mike Street put on an 'independent' 'mock-umentary' about 'multi-level marketing' that his daughter Eileen is doing the marketing for. When he turned the volume louder than the other guests who were in the kitchen, they all left. Dan, Debbie, Jen from Oakland, Alice, Mike Street and I watched the ninety minute movie. It was mediocre.
I like this shift. Control Shift. control alt delete.